Miley Cyrus Tweet about Cutting Herself

“Scars remind us of where we’ve been. not where we’re going," Miley Tweeted yesterday.
That's all she had to say on the topic, leaving followers to wonder what she means. But it stands to reason she's referring to the marks highlighted above.
We can only hope Cyrus has moved past this difficult stage in her life and is now on the sort of path Lovato often talks about: still struggling with self-image, but learning to love herself more and more everyday.
Miley Cyrus Tweet Admits to Cutting? - Hilton Hater, The Hollywood Gossip

"Based on the picture alone, those do look like cuts," Lori Vann, a licensed professional counselor supervisor in Dallas told Planet Miley. "The location (on non-dominant arm, underside of forearm), the length of the cuts, the lines of the cuts, and the spacing all appear to be self-inflicted injuries."
According to Dr. Gilda of Dr., girls generally cut themselves to "take control of their lives when they feel their lives are out of control." Dr. Gilda continued that "Some women think that they deserve to bleed because they're not in control of their lives."
Miley Cyrus Cutting Herself? Startling Photos And Tweets Reveal Trouble - Amanda Remling, International Business Times


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